Jeans Step 1
Maria's jeans were given a basecoat of 1-part Chaos Black to 2-parts (GW) Regal Blue.

Jeans Step 2
Leaving the basecoat visible only in the deepest recesses, I used Regal Blue for the next layer.

Jeans Step 3
Concentrating on the areas of the jeans that would show wear - such as the thighs, the turn-ups, the pocket edges, etc. - I used a mix of 1-part Bleached Bone + 2-parts Regal Blue.

Jeans Step 4
Using 50/50 mix of Bleached Bone and Regal Blue, I continued to highlight the worn areas.

Jeans Step 5
Using 2-parts Bleached Bone and 1-part Regal Blue, I picked out the very lightest areas (edge of the pockets and turn-ups, etc.).