Once both bases were done, I started on Pa. His overalls are a basecoat of Paladin Blue. I drybrushed them completely with True Blue. The seat of his pants, the knees, cuffs and the top edge of his bib pocket were drybrushed with Ice Blue to give the areas a worn look.
Next, his shirt is a foundation of Maroon, highlighted with Red. The stripes are Shadow Gray, with a slight overlap of White. The single shoe he wears is Black with a Shadow Gray highlight.
His skin is a drybrush of Flesh. For zombies and "Evil" minis, I use a Dark Brown base with a Flesh highlight to give the eye sockets a sunken look, and to deepen the shadows. It also makes the bare skin look like dirt and grime has collected in the creases and depressions. The pupils are dotted White.
For his hair, it's Volcano Brown with Woodland Brown highlights. I picked out the teeth in his lower jaw with a single swipe of Yellow.