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Corporate Babes: The Fashion Victim

Corporate Babes
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£8.00 GBP


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Warcolours Painting Studio Fezian writes:

That would be Dolce & Gabbana

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11 July 2008page first published

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Warcolours Painting Studio Fezian writes:

It was black again for this very scantily dressed lady, but this time a bit of colour was added in the form of a red belt and purse, both painted in VMC814 Burnt Cadmium Red, highlighted with VMC957 Flat Red, and finished with VMC817 Scarlet. GW Skull White was used to draw the logo on the top she is wearing.

Finally, the gun was painted with VMC863 Gunmetal. Since I wanted it to have a mother-of-pearl handguard decoration, first I painted that part with GW Skull White, and then I gave it a coat of a very old (and I mean very) Armoury colour called Spiderweb - which is nearly transparent, but a nice translucent effect very similar to the one I was aiming for.

The Fashion Victim
The Fashion Victim