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Dewoitine D.500: Decals

Dewoitine D.510
Product #
Suggested Retail Price
$8.00 USD


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Chips88 writes:

Kevin -

As usual, I learn something every time you do an article for "Workbench". You did a great job and need to keep 'em coming.


Revision Log
3 September 2008page first published

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World War Two in the Air

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miscmini Fezian writes:

I started applying coats of Future floor polish in preparation for the decals (to get a nice gloss surface... and to buy some more time while I figured out what to do about the Cigognes). The project has gone well so far, but as the model has progressed, I've been trying to figure out how to represent the Cigognes insignia on the side of the fuselage. I can't find a 1/144 scale decal of the Cigognes, nor can I find a good substitute. I finally decide that I'm going to have to make decals, and I'm going to have to paint the Cigognes. (Yes, I could've painted the Cigognes on the model, but that's a one-shot deal. I can paint the emblem on decal paper several times, and them pick the best ones.)

I found a scrap of decal paper that had carrier film on the entire surface. I painted the emblem onto the paper, and then sealed the decals with Krylon Crystal Clear aerosol paint.

Painted Cigognes decals

After waiting an hour for the Krylon Crystal Clear to dry, I cut out and applied the decals. Once the decals were in place and dry, I sealed them with another coat of Future floor polish. (The decals of the French national markings are from I-94 Enterprises.)

Adding the propeller and pilot completed the model.

completed model
completed model

I hope I've done justice to the work that Personal logo Virtualscratchbuilder Supporting Member of TMP Fezian and Reviresco have done in producing this nice kit.