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1/2400 ACW Ironclads: The Finished Models

USS Monitor (3)
Product #
ASV 51
Suggested Retail Price
£1.80 GBP

CSS Virginia & Texas
Product #
ASV 56
Suggested Retail Price
£1.80 GBP


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13 August 2007page first published

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Personal logo McKinstry Supporting Member of TMP Fezian writes:

The ships were then attached to their respective bases, and a light coat of Dullcote was applied.

Finished bases
Finished Monitors
Finished CSS Virginia
Finished CSS Texas
Finished Monitor – best guess scheme – gray deck

All in all, I found these to be clean, simple models that paint up fairly well for models that vary between 2 and 3 centimeters in length. They are robust single-piece castings (plus base), and do make good gaming pieces.

The lack of accuracy for these two packs is a problem in that a more accurate alternative is available. I would have to see more of the ACW portion of the range before making judgments as to the overall accuracy of the line. My experience with their European ironclads has been quite satisfactory, and the Monitor and Virginia may not be representative of the entire set of ACW offerings.