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Sea Dragon: Detailing

Sea Dragon
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28 September 2008page first published

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©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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miscmini Fezian writes:

Once the body was painted, I went back over the belly and fins of the miniature with Salmon Rose to cover up the places where I'd over-painted. I also painted details such as the eyes, claws, and the mouth.

Details painted

It's getting close to the end of the project, with the base being the only thing that needs any significant amount of work. Games Workshop's Jade Green is the base color for the water. I add some darker and lighter colors to give it some depth. The rocks and the crab get painted as well.

Ready for a final wash

A dark wash brings out some of the details, and helps tone down the pink paint.

After the wash
After the wash

The crab gets a little personality, and looks to the relative safety of the surf.

Avoiding dinner with a dragon