Metal Step 1
I started with a basecoat mix of 50/50 (VMC) Chainmail + Chaos Black.
Metal Step 2
Next, I very carefully picked out the details using Chainmail.
Metal Step 3
On the edges of the gun and around the end of the barrel, I used (VGC) Silver to give a very shiny chrome look.
Metal Step 4
Using a small amount of Chaos Black, I very carefully re-define the lines on the gun.
It's All in the Details
Thankfully, apart from the base, she's done - the only thing left on the figure itself is the belt buckle (too small to be worth piccys). This was quite simply given a basecoat of (VGC) Tinny Tin, then highlighted with (GW) Shining Gold, then (GW) Burnished Gold.