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Building & Painting Scotia's 1/300 Stuka

JU-87G&D Stuka
Product #
Suggested Retail Price
£1.00 GBP

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unknown member writes:

I can appreciate the fine workmanship on your Stuka's. I too have done the same thing but my Stukas are painted in Battle of Britain colours. I discovered as you did that the landing gear has to have it's wings locations drilled out for proper fitting.

Revision Log
12 October 2008page first published

Areas of Interest

World War Two in the Air

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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unknown member writes:

With the release of the Check Your 6! rules, my interest in WWII air-combat gaming was rekindled. Finally, a set of rules that I like, and that work well for club games!

After a hunt through the boxes and boxes of figures, I discovered my old aircraft collection... and decided a revamp was required. My collection was mainly Heroics and Ros aircraft, with a few Raiden models in the mix. A trip to The Baggage Train and an exchange of cash left me with bags and bags of nice shiny metal.

So, off to the workbench with a flight of Stukas! As we were planning on doing the desert campaign, I decided that these would be the start of my German air force.

Tools/paints required

  • sharp craft knife
  • needle file or sandpaper
  • drill and 0.7mm drill bit
  • model filler
  • superglue gel (or equivalent)
  • spray primer (or equivalent)
  • Vallejo colours
    • Desert Yellow
    • Pastel Blue
    • German Camouflage
    • Prussian Blue
    • White
    • Black
    • varnish
  • Decals (I recommend Dom's Decals)
  • small magnet

Stage 1

The aircraft comes in 3 parts: the main aircraft model, and two wheels for the undercarriage.

Stuka parts

Stages 2 & 3

The model comes with a large piece of flash on the leading wing edge. This needs removing (and the wheels need removing from the sprue).

Stuka cleaned and drilled

Once the model is cleaned up, then drill a hole through the wings for the wheels to be attached to.

Stuka cleaned and drilled (top)