Finishing Up...
The figure was glued to the base, and the shield was pinned to the outstretched hand using 5-minute epoxy.
Once I started looking at the figure, I just liked it too much - and chickened out on using the airbrush to suggest dust on the legs and shield. Something about the crispness of the blue shield and the bright red of the leg tie just did not want to be dimmed. It's still a technique I'd like to experiment with, but it will have to be another figure!
The Finished Gladiator
Once again, I hope you have found something of use in this article. Please let me know if you found the rearrangement of sequence and consolidated photos helpful. I'm still struggling with format.
I really enjoyed this one and, win or lose, there are more Alpha gladiators in my future! Anybody have Boxer stats for "Morituri te salutant"?