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5 March 2002 | page first published |
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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Reader Alamo36t sends in these tips for painting American Civil War figures in 10mm scale:
This method is called Seven Step Dab, Dab, Dabadoo 2445 and it's copyright, so don't get any ideas.
These runts paint up quite nicely. I did 24 in no more than 45 minutes.
All this was done in no more than 45 minutes, promise. Remember get just enough paint on the brush so you really don't need to stroke ( because there isn't eough room to). You only need to dab carefully and the paint will flow just right for the mini.
Oh! I forgot to mention the obvious - paint the base. Don't forget it like I always do until I'm flocking the guys.
I do have a suggestion for all games using 10mm minis - use enough light so that you can really appriciate the figures. This is my main complaint at many wargames conventions - not enough light. Guys spend hours and hours painting minis and preparing terrain and when they run a game it's practically in the dark. Accepted wargamers are not the most handsome bunch, but hey, the minis need to be lighted to be appreciated.