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Handling the Little Stuff II

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TimePortal writes:

Used the small cups with lids for at least two decades. They were great for shipping painted castings in. Adds a cotton ball or two and they where set.

Revision Log
1 July 2024page first published

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
Comments or corrections?

Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian writes:

To my dismay, those little storage containers I recommended in a previous article are no longer available.

Mini Storage Containers

Or, more accurately, the same containers are still being sold, but in new packaging and in a new location in the store.

Mini Storage Containers

The containers are now sold in a more compact form, being stacked up, and while still at Dollar Tree, have been moved from the craft aisle to the food containers aisle.

Mini Storage Containers

To illustrate how I use these, consider the case of painting a unit of 15mm armor vehicles. In this case, I have a vehicle commander (already primed) for one vehicle, but I don't wait to paint him until I'm done painting the vehicles. So in he goes!

Mini Storage Containers

Now, that piece is a lot less likely to get lost or trampled underfoot.