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Round Six Report from Rob Jedi - Part 4

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7 July 2004page first published

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Rob Jedi continues:

OK - the head was done, and I was feeling better. I finally decided to listen to my mate at this point and ditch the lower set of arms - he was looking way more dynamic with just the top arms. Problem was, the guns were already stuck to the lower arms. So I pulled off the upper arms (this is the rare benefit of not pinning a model together...of course, you have to be careful you don't drop a model for this same reason...). I could swap the right arm, since both of them were pretty much the same.

The left arm added more trouble, though. I really liked the straight arm - it's what added most of the dynamics of the pose - but the hand was twisted compared to the other arms. So out came the jewellers saw, and off came his hand.

Off with his hand!

I then pried the gun off of the lower arm, then - after pinning the hand on - glued the straight arm back together.

The reassembled arm

I was, however, left with gaping holes in the side of the torso where the arms used to go. So what to do about the holes... Well, the simple thing would be to just fill them with putty, or leave em as-is.

I went with option A-2. I filled them with putty, then pressed a piece from a very tiny Gundam kit into the putty. Unfortunately, the detail looked very weird in reverse. Not a problem - I scooped out the putty from the socket, and again pressed it onto the Gundam bit, this time leaving it to dry. I then popped off the putty, cleaned it up, and used it to press the reverse detail into some new putty I put into the arm socket. This time, it looked good. I scraped off the excess putty, and repeated the process on the other side.

Using putty to add detail where the lower arms used to be

I did the putty-mould trick again, to add a bit of extra engine detail to the back of the torso (under-between the lower three cylinders).

Added detail on the lower back