Two of the key features of the Blemmyes are the chest eye and stomach mouth. The eyes got a quick brush of Antique White, and the lips, Light Cinnamon.
One aspect of assembly-line painting is that the first figure is dry and ready for the next step by the time the last figure is finished. This is especially important when you have 300 to 600 troops to paint! In this project, it allowed me to complete this over the course of an afternoon (about 4 hours with family time).

Just a note on scale: The grid lines are 1/16th of an inch, slightly more than a millimeter.

For the eyes, I added a dot of color - this is where the blues and greens came into play.

I chose not to try to paint the pupils, as these are game figures, and you really can't see the eyes from table distances.

The last two colors were Black for the back ridge and forearms and knees, and then English Ivy Green for the bases. I chose to paint the forearms and knees, as these had a hairy look.