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Round Four Report from Gurney - Part Two

Jaguar Strike Craft
Product #
Suggested Retail Price
£15.00 GBP


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17 March 2004page first published

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gurney writes:

Step 3 - The Pilot

The base color of the skin is a mix of Flat Flesh (955) and Dark Flesh (Citadel). I shaded by adding Dark Flesh to the base. I highlighted with Flat Flesh (955) and Flesh Tone (815).

The clothes were basecoated with a mix of Medium Blue (963) and Green Ochre (914). I shaded by adding Camouflage Extra Dark Green (896) to the base color. Then I highlighted by adding Ochre Green to the base color.

The boots were basecoated with black, then highlighted with Flat Flesh (955).

The gloves were basecoated with Burnt Umber (941), highlighted with Snakebite Leather (Citadel).

The t-shirt was basecoated with Stone Grey (884), highlighted with white.

The finished pilot

Step 4 - The Base

For the base, I wanted to represent the craft above a field of tall grass. So I took a wooden base, and drilled a 1mm hole so that I could attach it (with a pin) to the transparent platic stand.

The base

I knew I would need help the bristles in the positions I wanted, so I made a wire template.

Base with wire template

Then I covered the base with white glue, and inserted lots and lots of bristles.

Base with bristles

What I wanted to do was to simulate the effect of the wind, thrown by the aircraft blades, which flattens the grass. But I made one mistake: the base was too small, so the effect is not really perceptible (especially in photographs).

Once the glued dried, I basecoated the bristles with Intermediate Green (891), and highlighted with a drybrushing of Flat Yellow (953).

The base after the bristles have been painted

See the Finished Pictures