Dwarf Ornithropters - Sculpted by Steve Saunders
These miniatures were produced not long before FASA closed up shop, taking Ral Partha with them. They were for the Crucible fantasy TTG. The game was not very popular, but there were quite a few unique and really well-crafted miniatures released for the game. Iron Wind Metals has re-released most if not all of the Crucible miniatures - and some of the sculptures ended up as Mage Knight pieces. These miniatures are currently available from IWM.
Part 1, Assembly:
The Ornithopters are typical Ral Partha miniatures, as there were no assembly instructions with the packaging. The assembly was pretty straight-forward, so this was not much of a problem.
Part 2, Priming:
I used white primer, to get the paintjob a bit brighter.
Part 3, Basecoat:
I used mostly Vallejo Model and Game Color paints on these miniatures. I just put a fairly neat basecoat of the colors I wanted the miniature to be. On any parts that would be metal, I first painted them black - since the Vallejo metals stand out better on a black surface.
The skin I did using a technique I found during the first Last Painter Standing from Rogzombie. The technique was to start with a Parasite Brown base, and then work up the skin, mixing the brown with Dwarf Flesh. It is one of the easiest and best-looking ways to do flesh.