For this stage, I painted his clothing (what there is of it!), his hair (what you can see of it), and his big old boots.
Clothes + Hair Step 1
- Hair
- Basecoat of (GW) Graveyard Earth.
- Boots
- Basecoat of (GW) Chaos Black.
- Gaiters
- Basecoat of 1-part (GW) Scorched Brown + 2-parts Graveyard Earth.
- Underwear: Blue
- Basecoat of 1-part Chaos Black + 2-parts (GW) Regal Blue.
- Underwear: Red
- Basecoat of (VMC) Burnt Cadmium Red.

Clothes + Hair Step 2
- Hair
- 1st highlight of (GW) Kommando Khaki.
- Boots
- 1st highlight of 5-parts Chaos Black + 1-part (VMC) Dark Blue Grey.
- Gaiters
- 1st highlight of Graveyad Earth.
- Underwear: Blue
- 1st highlight of Regal Blue.
- Underwear: Red
- 1st highlight of (VMC) Carmine Red.

Clothes + Hair Step 3
- Hair
- 2nd highlight of (GW) Bleached Bone.
- Boots
- 2nd highlight of 4-parts Chaos Black + 1-part Dark Blue Grey.
- Gaiters
- 2nd highlight using a 50/50 mix of Graveyard Earth + Kommando Khaki.
- Underwear: Blue
- 2nd highlight of 2-parts Regal Blue + 1-part (VGC) Magic Blue.
- Underwear: Red
- 2nd highlight of 2-parts Carmine Red + 1-part (VMC) Vermillion.

Clothes + Hair Step 4
- Hair
- Final highlight of Skull White.
- Boots
- Final highlight using a 50/50 mix of Chaos Black + Dark Blue Grey.
- Gaiters
- Final highlight of Kommando Khaki.
- Underwear: Blue
- Final highlight using a 50/50 mix of Regal Blue + Magic Blue.
- Underwear: Red
- Final highlight using a 50/50 mix of Carmine Red + Vermillion.