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Sheridan, Wyoming (Mike B.)

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alien BLOODY HELL surfer writes:

I have a figure almost finished ready for when this gets to me, I'll try and take some pics too of my hometown for show.


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30 April 2006page first published

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Mike B. describes how he made the 80 Days project a family affair:

On Easter Sunday, the weather in Sheridan was clear and beautiful...

Clear and beautiful in Sheridan

But by the 24th, there was snow!


I asked my daughter if I could use one of her figures. My schedule did not really allow me to paint one from the box, and I paint 15mm. The figure is a West End Star Wars young female Jedi. We took the Foundry grenadier in exchange.

The Jedi goes into the box, while the Grenadier leaves the box

We picked this up at the KublaCon flea market a couple of years ago. One afternoon she whipped it out (we paint together 2-3 times a year), and it was in the curio cabinet until we moved to Wyoming.

She (and her brother) followed the Last Painter Standing contest with me, and when it came time for 80 Days, it was: "what are we doing?" The sad part is she is a great painter (notice the eyes and lips), but only when the mood strikes her (she has a couple of Reaper Angels waiting for the brush).

Mike's daughter

The box was on its way by the 26th. I added some more packing, as a few of the items looked a little worn... frown

I think the included card sums up Wyoming well.

Jedi with Jackalope

Sheridan is about 20 miles south of the Montana border, 60 miles south of the Custer Battlefield...

The Jedi scouts out the territory

...35 miles south is Buffalo in Johnson County (Johnson County War), and 15 miles south is Fort Phil Kearney. Sheridan was a stopover for General Crook on campaign after Custer. As you can see in the pictures, the Big Horn mountains are right outside of town. Sheridan College is where I work, and the reason we moved to Wyoming.

Sheridan College

We stay in the high mountain country with our next stop: Brian B. in Hayden, Idaho...