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Product # | 1601 |
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24 August 2004 | page first published |
4,171 hits since 24 Aug 2004
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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We set up the table, sorted cards, tiles and counters, and grabbed some snacks and drinks. As usual with the first game of a new system, there was going to be lots of checking rules and looking at the reference sheets.
Once set up, we were ready to play.
On the first turn, we both created units. The Humans created Rangers, and the Orcs brought in a unit of Clanngett's Furies. After going through our Move phase where both units moved towards each other, the first turn ended.
After paying our unit upkeep, we each added a village where our original unit was, and recruited another in the capital buildings - Pikemen (Humans) and Trolls (Orcs).
Again we moved out of the villages slightly, and the Rangers started to push forward while the Pikemen lingered near the village. The Orcs' units stayed near their villages. After the upkeep phase, we both added a second village. A Mob was added to the original village on the human side, and the Rangers and Pikemen charged towards the Orc villages, while the Furies headed towards them. Next turn, they would collide.
The upkeep fee was paid, and both units collected money for their capital and villages. Units were added to both sides. Another Orc village and Human Mob came into play, and an Orc village was upgraded to a town. The Furies, Rangers and Pikemen all came into contact to end the turn. Nothing new in the upkeep phase, and finally combat ensued.
The combat was simple. First all artillery, bow and arrow type attacks were announced and settled simultaneously (units were removed as casualties only after all attacks had been settled). Only the Rangers had the ability for ranged combat, so they attacked. How this is handled is on the stat card - the top symbol is a bow and arrow with a number next to it. This number represents the number of dice you roll to attack. On the defender's card is a symbol of a shield with a bow and arrow in it. This is the number of dice that are rolled in defense.
The Rangers attacked with 7 dice against 2 defending the Furies. The Rangers rolled one hit, which was easily blocked by the Furies.
We then moved on to the Melee phase of combat, which is settled similarly. Attacks are progressed by the highest initiative number of those involved in the combat. The Pikemen roll their attacks first, as they have a 3 initiative and the others all have 2.
This combat is handled the same way, but the sword symbol is used for attacks, and the shield with the sword stat is the defense. The Orcs have a 2 defense against a 6 attack. 4 hits rolled and only 1 blocked, so a damage of 3 was done to the Furies. On the bottom of the card, there are blocks to represent wounds. The three hits that were inflicted on the Furies were enough to kill them.
To finish the turn we can move, so the Rangers charged into an uninhabited Orc village. In this case, the Rangers take control of this village and the revenue it generates. The Pikemen move next to the other village, so that they can assault the unit in it the next turn and hopefully overrun it.
Upkeep and then collect money for capitals, villages and towns. At this point, we stopped taking notes and got wrapped up in playing the game. The Humans added a Monastery of the Order so that it could add some special characters and knights later in the game. A second Mob in one village was added, and more Pikemen. The Orcs added a Spider Rider, turned a village into a town, and added an additional village. The Pikemen with their higher initiative assaulted the Ogres and won their second combat, slaying them before they could strike back.
The plan was for the Humans to overrun the Orc villages and generate troops to assault the capital of the Orc Empire.
Movement saw the Rangers prepare to assault an Orc town (with the Wolf Riders in it) next turn, the Pikemen moving in to the conquered village, and the Mobs and second Pikemen moving towards the Orc capital.
All units were paid for, and the Humans gained an extra 100 gold pieces for the revenue that the conquered villages generated. More troops were bought in the Muman villages, and they prepared for the assault.
The Rangers shot at the Wolf Riders, and again rolled one hit with seven dice! The Riders attacked back, wounding the Rangers (leaving them with one wound on their card). The Rangers then rolled well, slaying them outright. That was all the combat for the turn.
The Orcs clung to their one village and their capital, as the town was occupied, and the Humans moving into base contact with the capital and the village.
As a quick summary of the Fall of the Orcs in the first game played, their village was swarmed by Humans - holding out two turns, and causing several wounds to the Human forces, before falling. The capital was surrounded and besieged, but refused to fall without a fight. Several Orc forces burst out to hit the Humans hard, but were eventually overwhelmed by the sheer number the Humans were able to generate due to controlling all the villages.
It seems that the key to the Human win was having control of more villages and towns, which yield a greater income and allow for the recruitment of more troops. Knowing this, it will be interesting to see the outcome of the second game.