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Eastern Tennessee (Mike W.)


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Our next 80 Days report comes from Mike W., snug in the hills of Eastern Tennessee (see Rock City!).

The package arrived today. Mark, I'll overnight it to you in the morning before I come into work. However, the post office clerk has informed me mailing overnight from Rogersville is actually a two-day destination/departure point.

British Musician

I selected the Old Glory Zulu War British Musician. It was a tough call between he, the Rattrap figs, the tank, and a couple of others. There are some really nice figs in the package. My wife told me she thought I'd rather have the musician, since I have a thing for campaign helmets.

I bought one from Eureka at Historicon a few years ago and pretty much wear it anytime my group plays GASLIGHT, even if there aren't any British figures involved.

The pirate lass and treasure piece I painted up was specifically for this project. They're Reaper minis. I stopped by a few landmarks after picking up the package, and took some snapshots of the box with my wife's crappy little camera. I also took out Andrew's fig and mine that have been painted, and took a few shots of them at landmarks.

Anyhow, all my photos didn't come out. (Crappy camera.) There are three from the graves of Joseph and Mary Rogers, whom Rogersville is named for. They also happen to be David Crockett's grandparents. I tossed in a couple of postcards. We're small here, pop. 5,000 or so, so there aren't any great postcards that are 100 percent local. While the ones I sent are local, they're not very picturesque.

Andrew, you actually put in a sawbuck, not a fiver. I'm passing half that along for either the next guy (though I suggest we continental U.S. guys toss in a buck or two along the way for the big trip from WA to Phucket, then Thailand to Germany - that can't possibly be cheap). It was almost $19 USD to get to me.

Glad to have been a part of this, and I look forward to tracking the progress of the package as it makes its trek.

Followup: The Box actually made it to the next recipient in one day, not two! We're now ahead of schedule!