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Pigmented Saves the Day!

45mm L/46 Model 1937 Soviet Anti-Tank Gun
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24 November 2006page first published

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3,642 hits since 24 Nov 2006
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
Comments or corrections?

PigmentedMiniatures Fezian writes:

I was asked by Bill if I would be interested in doing some Soviets with a 45mm L/46 Mod37 Soviet Anti-Tank Gun (ATG) for the Barbarossa project.

I was not familiar with early-WWII Soviets, so my first challenge was to find out what colors to use. I posted on TMP for some help, and was pointed to There, I found what I was looking for - an early Soviet uniform, used inbetween the World Wars and during the early part of WWII.


I could not find any color pictures of the ATG - but after some inquiries, fellow TMPer's mentioned it should be a medium green.