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DB Repainted: Jack of Blades


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7 November 2007page first published

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©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
Comments or corrections?

Hundvig Fezian writes:

To make that pun work, it really ought to be Jack of All Blades, shouldn't it? Regardless, Jack here is a fine (abeit somewhat tall) example of that wonderful cliche, the Ominous Robed Figure. ORF's were around long before the Nazgul, and they're pretty much a fantasy staple these days.

Jack of Blades

The model is easy to clean, but those... garden fork things have to go. They're much too flexible, and poorly detailed to boot.

Jack of Blades

I thought about replacing them with some plain old blades made of styrene, but changed my mind and went for an array of tentacles poking out of the sleeves instead. More disturbing that way, and it'll make Dances With Words Fezian happy.