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DB Repainted: Saint of Roses


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Hundvig Fezian writes:

Particularly handy as a *broken* statue, since it's arguably easier to cut the figure in half than it is to remove him from his base by undercutting and shaving.

OTOH, you could just leave him on his original base, which (while a little big) makes a convincing plinth. There's enough room to add some devotional candles or offerings around the statue's base that way.

Revision Log
7 November 2007page first published

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Hundvig Fezian writes:

This figure calls out to be used as "statue" scenery, and I've got a couple more in the works as just cold gray stone or pale marble.

Saint of Roses

This one I was trying for a "haunted statue" look, with the "skin" pale and glowing and rose bits in lifelike colors. Didn't work out quite as well as I'd hoped, but still not awful.

Saint of Roses

A nice figure simply because there's very little cleanup work required, although getting him off his base is a bit of work. The base on this one is 25mm, rather than the 40mm most of my DB figs use.