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Dread Pirate Garness' Wood Elf Noblewoman - Part 4

Wood Elf Noble Lady in Travelling Clothes
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8 January 2012page first published

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©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Dread Pirate Garness Fezian writes:

The skin was first washed with a thinned Emerald Green. Dwarf Flesh was then thinned to approximately 5 to 1 water-to-paint ratio. This was then applied in thin layers, until an even flesh color with a slight greenish tint was achieved.

Painting the flesh

Then a 10:1 water-to-paint mix of Bestial Brown was applied as a shade color.

Painting the flesh

GW Elf Flesh was applied to the skin as a highlight, also in a 10: 1 water-to-paint mix, until the highlights were correct.

Painting the flesh

Finally, white was added to the Elf Flesh and a final highlight was added.

Painting the flesh

The eyes were painted with Dark Angels Green, then the whites of the eyes were painted with a mix of Bleached Bone and white. The eye was detailed with Dark Angels Green, highlighted with Emerald Green and a final highlight of GW Scorpion Green.

The hair was painted with GW Dark Flesh and Bestial Brown. It was washed with a mix of Scorched Brown and Dark Flesh. Golden Yellow and Blazing Orange were mixed together and applied as a highlight, with more Golden Yellow until finally Golden Yellow was applied as a final highlight.

Once the figure was complete, I decided I want a slightly transparent look to the linen top, so I took P3 Midlund Flesh in a 6:1 water-to-paint ratio on the dress, where the noblewoman's skin contacted the dress. Not so it was fully transparent, just a slight change in color.