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Last Painter Standing - Round 1

Female Druid
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Suggested Retail Price
£4.00 GBP


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16 October 2003page first published

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Last Painter Standing gets off to a challenging start with its first model - i-Kore's Female Druid

Female Druid pack

The pack contains the two-part figure, as well as a plastic slottabase.

Pack contents

The two parts are the figure itself, and the top of the spear. The pieces overlap each other at the middle of the spear shaft.

The join

The druidess bears a large, highly ornamented spear in her left hand, and a sharply hooked knife or sickle in her right hand.

Female Druid - photo courtesy of i-Kore

She is wearing a low-cut corselet or possibly breastplate, rings (or ruffles) on her upper arms, bracers on her lower arms, a loincloth suspended with small chains, an amulet chain on one leg, and anklets.

Close-up of Female Druid (front)

From behind, her long flowing locks catch the most attention.

Close-up of Female Druid (rear)

The deadline for this round of the contest is: November 15th. As the write-ups come in, they will be posted here...