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15mm CD Marine Command: Radio #3

Command Decision - USMC Command
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$14.00 USD


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aecurtis Fezian writes:

The editor asked for comments on colors:

Green utitilies could come in various shades, especially as they were bleached through sun and wear, but the light shade chosen consistently for the jacket and the dark shade chosen consistently for the trousers don't match with actual samples. Normally, both would be issued together, and would be the same shade.

For the camo utilities (if that is a camo utility jacket rolled on the figure's back): the green is far too garish. the dark green in the pattern should be a dark olive, the light green a light olive. The dark brown is too dark. All the color "splotches" should be no more than half the size shown and more close together.

The figure's helmet is a peculiar shape. It looks more like the Navy Mark 2 than the normal steel pot; the Navy helmet could be used by USMC artillery radiomen, but it would be blue. It appears to be sculpted with some kind of cover, which would have to be camo. If painted as uncovered, it is far too green. The old standby of Vallejo Brown-Violet is a close match.


Revision Log
21 August 2007page first published

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