A basic flesh mix I often use on 28mm figures – Dark Flesh: Dark Brown: MW in ratios 2:0:1, 0:2:2, and 1:1:2 was layed down in successive layers. This was followed with a lighter combination of Dark Flesh: AC Flesh: MW which was built up in the ratio 3:1:5, followed by a layer hitting the ridge of the nose, the side of the nostrils with a ratio of 2:2:5. And finally a top layer on just the bridge of the nose, and the knuckles of the hand with a ratio of 1:3:5.
At this point I started to bounce around the figure, trying to make progress in one area while another dried. The hair and beard was basecoated in Golden Brown, and I covered the base in Liquitex Ceramic Stucco – Medium Texture. The Liquitex is globbed on with a craft toothpick, and smoothed it out with a wet, cheap brush.
At this point, I run counter to what most folks do – once the texture was dry, I painted it. I do this because you're going to take care painting a figure's footwear, but painting groundwork gets sloppy. Why take the time to paint boots well if you are just going to splatter them?
The groundwork got basecoated with Brown Velvet, followed by a quick drybrush of Brown Velvet: AC Flesh mixed 2:1.
The footwear (boots? moccasins?) was done with several layers applied using combinations of Pigskin: Maple Sugar Tan: Autumn Brown: MW in ratios of 1:1:2:3, 1:1:1:5, and 1:1:0:4. Again, once past the basecoat, higher levels of Magic Wash were added so that thin, transparent layers were used for the build-up.
The trousers used Blue Velvet, Black, and Magic Wash. Basecoat was a ratio of 1:1:2, followed by 2:1:6 and 4:1:10 on the upper surfaces of the folds. Last highlight added a bit of white and more Magic Wash to show a dirty, faded trouser.
The tunic was basecoated in Maple Sugar Tan and Magic Wash in a ratio of 2:1. Some slightly deeper shadows were made from Maple Sugar Tan: Autumn Brown: MW 1:1:2. Very thin lines of Burnt Umber were added at the openings in the sleeves, to deepen those shadows further. A lot of highlight layers were added from mixes of Maple Sugar Tan, White and Magic Wash in ratios of 2:1:4, 1:1:4, 1:2:6, and 1:3:8.