The fleet arrived at TMP with no major mishaps, and I've taken a few more photos:

There are two different pilots in the boxed set:

Not too exciting, but here's a picture of the base:

The Ornithopter is not listed in the Iron Wind Metals online catalogue, but I imagine they can sell you one if you make a special request. The model is also available from Ral Partha Europe in the Crucible portion of their website.

Steve made a wise choice in providing a variety of wing colors: 3 red ornithopters, and one each of blue, green, and purple. This gives me the tactical choice of flying them as two 3-ship squadrons (red and not-red), or three 2-ship squadrons (with blue, green and purple wingleaders).
What's Next?

Obviously, this army needs some footsoldiers! Fortunately, Iron Wind Metals has promised to donate sufficient figures to complete a basic Crucible army!
While we wait for those to arrive, however, I think this force could use a nice war machine...