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Round Bases, Round Labels

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JimDuncanUK writes:

I made an 'invisible' town using acetate sheets and an ink jet printer.

I'm not sure you could do the same with a laser printer.



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15 June 2024page first published

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian writes:

This will be a pretty basic Workbench article, but I found this technique useful, so maybe you will too.

Figure and labels

The U.S. Infantry with Stingers were recently showcased here, and I want to label them in case someone ever asks me, "where did you get those figures?" I'll use Avery-brand ¾" labels for that purpose.


As you can see above, I primed both sides of the metal base before attaching the figure, which provides a suitable surface for writing on. I've used permanent marker to write the manufacturer's name – "Rafm" – on the base, but it is almost indecipherable. There has to be a better way!

Labeled Labels

By using self-adhesive labels, I can use an ordinary pen to write the text, on a proper writing surface. I usually put a description of the figure (in this case, "Inf. w/Stinger") and the name of the manufacturer. I used the green labels because that's 'army'. grin

Labels on bases

The labels are easily peeled off and placed onto the base bottoms. Why use ¾" instead of 1" labels? The 1" labels would give more room for text, but would be pickier to center on the 1" base bottoms.

Labeled figures

I'm using metal bases for storage in box lined with magnetic sheets, so a minor downside is that the label slightly reduces the magnetic attraction by adding a very slight distance between the base and the magnet sheet. But not enough that I've ever noticed!