OK, it's not really the actual Brigadier figure from Doctor Who, and they aren't really UNIT soldiers. But Mystic Spirals has designed them to look a bit like them.
For this painting commission, I thought I would try to copy the colour schemes from the Doctor Who TV show. The problem with this is that:
- when Doctor Who first showed UNIT personnel, the show was in black-and-white
- and there are remarkably few images of them that I could find!
Here are two that I ended up using:

Mr Brigadier Alistair Lethbridge-Stewart

Random UNIT bloke
I use Citadel paints, sprays and brushes. Don't ask why, I suppose I'm just used to them.
These guys all get mounted on a U.K. penny, sand applied to the base, then sprayed black.
The soldiers I wanted to look off brown/green, like the picture. So started by painting the uniform Catachan Green.

This then gets covered in Devlan Mud Wash.

I then highlight it with Catachan Green mixed with Deneb Stone, in three successively lighter layers.

Then I glaze the lot with very watered-down brown ink, mixed with a dab of Orkhide Shade.

The skin is simply Scorched Brown, then Bestial Brown, then Bestial Brown mixed with Tallarn Flesh, and finally Tallarn Flesh by itself.
The guns are Chainmail, shaded with two layers of Badab Black.
The hats are Khemri Brown with a Devlan Mud Wash, then highlightd with Khemri Brown mixed with Deneb Stone.
Any black bits are line-highlighted first with Adeptus Battlegrey, then Astronomican Grey.

The Brigadier is the same, but his uniform is painted in the same colours as the soldiers' hats. He looks very effective, too!

The bases are drybrushed with Scorched Brown, Bestial Brown, Vomit Brown, then Bleached Bone. A few patches of static grass are then glued on.
I hope you like these guys, and that this article might give you some good tips or ideas.
To see some more of my stuff, scroll back though the Workbench stuff to the Adam Paints… articles, plus have a look at pro-painted-miniatures.com