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Preparing the Bird Men

Blue Ardua
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Green Ardua
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unknown member writes:

"Crude"?!?! Sheesh, they look quite good to my eye. Nice work there.

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14 June 2005page first published

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©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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unknown member (John Morris) of Mystic Spirals writes:


Remember back in the day, when the whole Supporting Member thing started up? I wanted to help — but being a struggling young painter, I could only offer my time. Bill said I could paint some Bird Men in exchange for the hallowed Supporting Member icon: Supporting Member icon

(The miniatures industry seems to operate solely on a barter system, sometimes.)

Much has happened between then and now, but the Bird Men are finally painted — and here's how I did it...

Blue Ardua


The first thing I did was to clean up the casting with a craft knife and round file. Mold lines, flash, and all the other usual imperfections can ruin an otherwise great paint job, so try and get as smooth a surface as you can. These figures are very elderly, fragile, and made of a soft lead alloy (like they had in the olden days) so I was very careful cleaning the mold lines. In places I left a few imperfections, because a line here and there is preferable to destroying the entire figure.

Then I stuck the figures to the bases (metal discs about 1" diameter), and built up to the figures' integral base with Milliput. When that was dry, I stuck some sand on with PVA glue. (I always base before painting because it's quicker, and stops sand getting stuck all over a newly painted model.) Then I undercoated with GW White spray.