I took this project on, based on a previous Workbench article. Seeing the work in the previous article, I felt I could do as well or better. Bill gave me the opportunity.
I collect 15mm. I have collected and painted 15mm for about 10 years (before that, I collected mostly 6mm). I tend to paint armies; rarely will I paint one figure at a time. Fifty to sixty figures is a typical batch, so this set was fairly light with only 32 figures. I also tend to work with the "3 foot" rule - if I can't see the detail 3 feet away, I really don't need to paint it...
There was a slight delay in getting to these, as I had Napoleonic British on the workbench ahead of these - roughly 100 cavalry and 150 infantry!
So, let's get started!
The figures needed next-to-no preparation - very clean castings.

Note the base of my OTT Lite - I think this is the key to my painting. Before I got this (at the suggestion of my wife), I used a desk lamp with a 40-watt bulb. She discovered the OTT Lite through quilting - with it, you can easily tell the color of threads. I found that my production increased, and my eye fatigue went down. The OTT Lite is a full-spectrum light, and as near to daylight that I have found. You can find them at fabric and craft stores (watch for the 40%-off-any-one-item coupons!).
The next step is to get these ready for priming. I glued 4 figures to each craft stick (makes them easier to handle). I attach the figures with a drop of white glue ("PVA" to our friends across the pond).

Fortunately, it warmed up to about 35 degrees Fahrenheit, so a quick dash outside to spray-prime with cheap Flat White. Here in the wilds of Wyoming, as well as being cool, the air is dry.

A quick light spray, with a couple of turns of the board to make sure that everything is covered.