This time, a bit of defence in the guise of his cape and fireman's helmet. As well as some offence (as in a nice big axe - well, the handle, anyway).
Just as a side note, the black part of the helmet was painted exactly the same way as the black parts of the boots.
Cape + Axe Step 1
- Helmet
- Basecoat of (GW) Snakebite Leather.
- Axe Handle
- Basecoat of Scorched Brown.
- Cape
- Basecoat of Burnt Cadmium Red.

Cape + Axe Step 2
- Helmet
- 1st highlight of (VGC) Golden Yellow.
- Axe Handle
- 1st highlight of (VGC) Beasty Brown.
- Cape
- 1st highlight of Carmine Red.

Cape + Axe Step 3
- Helmet
- 2nd highlight of (VGC) Sunblast Yellow.
- Axe Handle
- 2nd highlight of Graveyard Earth.
- Cape
- 2nd highlight using a 50/50 mix of Carmine Red + Vermillion.

Cape + Axe Step 4
- Helmet
- Final highlight using a 50/50 mix of Sunblast Yellow + Skull White.
- Axe Handle
- Final highlight of Kommando Khaki.
- Cape
- Final highlight of Vermillion.