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Female Druid
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19 November 2003page first published

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unknown member writes:

I'm no professional painter, just a student and part-time figure painter, and I painted this Female Druid by using the normal wargames-quality painting standard. There is no NMM, SFX or any other advanced technique here, just a couple of layers of paint, drybrushing, ink washes, a very modest digital camera, Microsoft Paint software, and written up using my very plain broken english (sorry).

Okay, first Ouch!!! I accidentally destroyed the banner pole while trying to drill a hole to insert a pin (for attaching the two parts together). Since I was doing this project at the last minute, I had no time to get a replacement from I-kore or repair the broken part with green stuff.

I decided to cut off the two smaller horns (or whatever they are), and attached the two parts together using a 30mm wire.

The broken standard will be attached using a 30mm wire

At 21:00 hrs (U.K. time), I primed the figure black. I painted a basecoat of flesh, medium flesh and light flesh using a layered technique. I gave the figure a "dirty blonde" type of hair colour. Then I painted all the bronze parts, highlighting with gold.

The figure is painted

I glued the squatting figure to the shaft using a gel-type superglue, and painted it in the spearshaft colour (from the Foundry paint set), and painted a lighter shade for the grain effect.

The standard's shaft is painted

For the base, I use PVA to glue the ready-mix sand that I bought from Games Workshop. I let it dry under the heater, and gave it a layer mixture of 40% dark sand paint + 40% varnish + 20% water. Then I washed it with black and brown inks, and drybrushed with a lighter sand colour and a bit of white.

Finished base

Sorry, guys - there is no green grass here, but totally plain, rocky desert. That's about it - I don't mind if I can't get through to the second round.

See the Finished Pictures