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c - Hang Glider Wing and Tail

Dwarven Flying Machine with Flamethrower
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Suggested Retail Price
8.13 EUR


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10 July 2003page first published

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Finalist Lyondri writes:

The Wing and the Tail

It's now time to start to paint the most exciting part of the model: the wing and the tail.

Step 8: the white squares and the tail

First thing to do now: to paint the white squares which will receive the dwarven runes in place of the iron crosses of our Red Baron colour scheme. Very easy: I didn't want to paint them pure white, so I added a very small touch of Snakebite Leather to the Skull White main colour and I painted the two squares on the wing and the tail. I then use a very light Snakebite Leather ink in the small wing details.

Step 9: the red wing

I thought at first that the red wing would be quite easy to paint, in comparison with the small dwarven pilot and its tiny glasses but actually, it was the hardest one! The GW Blood Red I used is, just like the Sunburst Yellow, a very transparent colour: try to apply a thin red layer on a dark surface and all you get is...a dark surface! If you then apply several red layers, you only get a dark thick red on a dark surface which is very unsatisfactory.

The other solution would be to do as with another colour: mix red and white to get a lighter colour and apply it (which is what I did for the structure and the pilot, see previous steps) but the problem here is that mixing Blood Red with a small touch of Skull White doesn't give a nice light red colour but a more or less bright pink: again a very unsatisfactory colour which would be, you guess it, quite strange for your model...

The second trouble, and not the least, was that I realized this after I painted the whole wing dark red (Blood Red + Chaos Black)...

After trying various (unsatisfactory) solutions, I simply decided to apply several thin Blood Red layers on the dark red colour. When in such troubles, I always try to keep things simple :-)

Now, to give some relief, I applied a dark red ink in the small details of the wing and on every wing border.

the almost finished Bat

The Bat is now almost finished ! I now just have to paint the runes, make a good base and build the whole model up!