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The Veh-Deh-Merd Express: The Railroad


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21 July 2006page first published

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Chrono HAL Fezian writes:

First, I cut out four 70mm x 300mm plates of cardboard, on to which I glued parallel 300mm balsa strips with PVA glue. Once that was dry, I spread a 50/50 mix of PVA-glue-and-water on the cardboard before dredging it in model railroad ballast, and that's that.

The track

Murphy's law of building such model kits is:

The more insignificant and less visible the detail, the more difficult it is to make.

During the game, nobody will pay attention to what's below the train, but I still need to make a way for the train to "glide" on the railroad. I did it with long strips of plastic glued on 3mm-thick cubes. The space between the cubes is, of course, the same as the space between the rails.

The train should now be mobile

A few decorative rivets on the strips, and it's time to test it out!

Choo Choo!

And for the final touch, the windows: They're simply made of rectangles of metal screen that I superglued in place.

Adding windows

Time to kick zombie ass!