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Round Five Report from Rob Jedi - Part 7

Blood Reaver
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30 April 2004page first published

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Rob Jedi continues:

I also drybrushed the bits under his feet. Next, I superglued the Blood Reaver onto the base. After that had had a few minutes to dry, I got out the PVA again and painted it onto the earth areas and between the cracks of the rocks. Then I covered it all with static grass, pressing it down before shaking off the excess, and blowing across the surface to make it stand up.

I realised at this stage that the base looked too dry, so I made a wash of Burnt Umber and made the flat rocky areas a bit richer looking. After that, I got out some plastic plants I had bought on the weekend that are used to decorate Chinese water features. I used one piece, and cut it into individual sprigs to make different-sized plants. I gave them a wash of Christmas Green, then glued them onto the base in appropriate places with PVA. I then dressed them up a bit more by using some twigs from a small hand-broom I had picked up. Lastly, I painted the edge of the base black to finish it off.

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