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DB Repainted: Gutsoup Golem


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Carrion Crow writes:

I initially painted mine similar to the orginal colour scheme, then decided it looked more like some kind of vegetable beast from the swamp, so re-painted it in shades of green. My kids now refer to it as the Cabbage Monster…

Revision Log
7 November 2007page first published

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
Comments or corrections?

Hundvig Fezian writes:

Just plain nasty looking, perfect for mad scientist/necromancer lairs.

Gutsoup Golem

The factory paint job is pretty much one shade with a heavy wash, but as you can see, there's lots and lots of detail there to be picked out in suitably "icky" colors.

Gutsoup Golem

Cleaning the mold lines here is a bit more work, but still not real difficult.