Final Base Work:
Some people like to go with minimal base work, and feel that it distracts from the mini itself. I, on the other hand, like to make bases that fit the theme of the mini - and with the Junkyard theme, there needs to be scrap and parts!
I initially basecoated the base work with Reaper Armor Grey, and applied a really heavy wash of GW Black Ink (estimated ratio – 70% ink, 10% Future, and 20% water).

Then I progressively drybrushed the base work with Reaper Armor Grey, Reaper Ash Grey, GW Codex Grey, and a final highlight of GW Fortress Grey. Next step was to add the metallic color. I took some GW Boltgun Metal and drybrushed it on top of the grey, and added a few more layers with GW Chainmail on select areas to bring out the metallic highlights a little more.

After drybrushing the metal, I picked out the watch gears with Reaper Dragon Gold, and highlighted this with GW Shiny Gold to add a little more contrast on the base. Then I took GW Chestnut Ink (estimated ratio – 50% ink, 30% Future, and 20% water) and applied this as a wash to select areas of the base. Before the ink dried, I took a paper towel and wiped off much of the excess. This leaves a nice "blotchy" pattern on the base work, and randomness to the rusting.

Hope you enjoyed the article and the finished mini. It was a good theme to work on, and I am honored to share some techniques that I hope you can use on your future projects.