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Mighty Armies Barbarians: Final Basing

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Ironmammoth writes:

Interesting glueing technique, I will have to try that!

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26 March 2007page first published

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IGWARG Fezian writes:

Mongoose armies come with their own plastic bases - 25mm by 50mm for infantry, and 50mm by 50mm for chariots. I popped the figures from my temporary bases using a small screwdriver, and glued them to the Mongoose bases using a combination of white glue (on the bases) and superglue (on the figures).

Based figures

I painted the edges of bases medium brown.

After the paint was dry, I applied some watered-down white glue on top of the bases, and dipped them in my terrain box. I have an already-prepared bottle of watered-down white glue at about a 50:50 ratio, and keep my terrain in a cigar box. My ground terrain consists of real dirt and model railroad ballast of various colors and sizes.

Terrained bases

After that was dry (about 30 minutes), I brushed on some more watered-down white glue here and there, and dipped the bases in my other terrain box that contains various flocks, static grass, etc.