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Dread Pirate Garness' Wood Elf Noblewoman - Part 3

Wood Elf Noble Lady in Travelling Clothes
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$9.00 USD


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8 January 2012page first published

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©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Dread Pirate Garness Fezian writes:

The pants were painted with a mix of Snakebite Leather and GW Bestial Brown. The pants were washed with GW Scorched Brown, mixed 10 parts water to 1 part paint. Once the paint and wash were dry, the base color was built up using the pant base color, and GW Bleached Bone was added to the mix as a highlight, until pure Bleached Bone was used on the very edges of the pants and folds.

Painting the pants

The flower trim on the linen top was painted with Americana Lilac, a soft purple color. GW Warlock Purple was applied as a 10:1 wash, and then highlighted with white. A tiny little dot of yellow was placed in the center of the flower as a contrast for the purple. The gloves and leaf trim were painted in GW Emerald Green, shaded with GW Dark Angels Green, and then highlighted by adding white to the emerald base color.