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The $2 Planet

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BlackWidowPilot Fezian writes:

Er, Bill…with all due respect, where have you been?!! LOL!!! We space warfare gamers have been using these for planets for as long as I can remember! But it *is* a cool quick and painless *Ice Planet* indeed!

Styrofoam balls of various sizes make super-easy-to-create planets, asteroids, moons, Death Stars(tm), and so on….packed away somewhere (probably next to your wayward Predator Mk. IV!!) is a *hyperspace gate* I've been building off and on from a styrofoam wreath foundation and wooden pre-cut shapes. Really the imagination is the limit here – as in all things miniature and spacefaring IMHO! ;D

Now what we really need is a $2 USD *convoy* or *cruiser squadron* and I think I have just the ticket…>;D

Leland R. Erickson
Metal Express

Revision Log
5 September 2006page first published

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This article started out as a "cheap buys" type of piece. You see, one year before Christmas, I stumbled upon the following ornaments at the local $1 USD store...

Christmas ornaments

Now, these were pretty basic ornaments - a styrofoam ball, with a bunch of snowy flock glued to the outside. Just sort of a cheap "snowball" ornament, with a silver plastic hook and a string for hanging from the Christmas tree.

Christmas ornament

However, being a gamer, I could immediately see the potential here - pry the silver part off, put the snowball on a flight stand, and presto...

Ice planet

Battle for the Ice Planet, anyone?

Yes, it's a cheap way to get an ice planet for space wargaming. But then I got to wondering...