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Round Five Report from Garness-at-Home - Part 4

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28 April 2004page first published

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Dread Pirate Garness continues:

The Rider

Next was the rider. I don't know if he is supposed to be an orc or a demon, so I decided to make him a demon. I wanted him to look otherworldly...and I got some inspiration from Dagon, a movie on the Sci-fi channel and at the local video store. I wanted the rider to be somewhat pallid looking, and began by priming the figure in white. Next, I painted some veins in GW Red Gore and GW Regal Blue. I painted them erratically and let them dry overnight. The following day, I mixed up a very thin color using Liquitex Turquoise. I painted it on carefully so it would not pool up, and applied several coats.

Turquoise is applied over the veins

What the very thin paint does is allow the veins to show through, so the skin looks pallid. I added a little Ceramcoat Pthalo Blue to the mix, to use as a shade. I added white to the mix, and began to highlight using very thin paint (so the details underneath would still show through).

Shaded and highlighted

I wanted the armor to look like the shell of some deep-sea critter or crab, so I painted the armor using GW Dark Flesh to get a nice, dark base. This was washed with thinned GW black ink.

Armor is basecoated and washed

Next was to put some mottled striping on the armor, so I used thinned GW black ink to make some strips. Once the striping was done, I added Ceramcoat Pineapple to the GW Dark Flesh, and highlighted the remainder of the armor.

A stage in the armor

Next stage in the armor

Final stage in the armor