Little pieces are the bane of the miniature wargaming workbench. Have you ever misplaced that 28mm figure's separate dagger, the spaceship's turret, or that doohickey that goes on that vehicle?
Consequently, I've learned to keep some small containers on hand for holding the parts that like to run away.
Sure Fresh Mini Storage Containers with Lids

I found these tiny containers at Dollar Tree. These are found in the hobby craft aisle, and come in a pack of ten for $1.25 USD. They come in round or rectangular, but I prefer the rectangular – they are roughly 2" x 2.5" and 1.5" deep. Perfect for temporarily storing the little bits for your current project.
Pill Bottles
If the dollar store is too expensive for you, how about… free! If someone in your household takes meds, then you probably have access to scores of these. (Wait until they're empty before taking them!)

At my pharmacy, the pills come in amber bottles of 30mm or 50mm diameter (roughly), with safety or easy-open lids. Great for holding little items, and they're free!
Be sure to remove the medicine labels. If you're lucky, they will peel right off.
You can also buy empty pill bottles, if you want to, but they seem to run about $0.50 USD each in packs of 30 or 50.