Need giant vegetation for your fantastic jungles?

At the local dollar store, I picked up a plastic plant (it's a Potted Succulent) and a pack of wooden shapes (I only need one).

I sprayed one side of the wood with brown primer, and pulled the plastic plant out of the pot – it's spiked into styrofoam, which was not very effectively hot-glued to the plastic pot.

I carefully removed the plant from the styrofoam, and peeled off the dried glue and bits of styrofoam. Be careful not to pull the spike out of the plant.

I've drilled a hole in the base, and touched up the paint with some mud-colored paint.

The base is then coated with terrain glue, tossed into the flock bin, allowed to dry, then sealed with matte spray.

I then applied white glue to the base of the plant… (Hot glue would also work.)

The plant's spike is then inserted into the hole in the base, and held in place with a clamp until dry. The clamp is just holding it in place, don't tighten too much or you might pull the spike out of the plant.

When the glue is dry, remove the clamp and cut the spike off flush with the base.

The finished plant is shown with a 28mm zombie fighter.

Would you use this for the jungles of Vietnam? Or for a more sci-fi look, add tentacles!

Note that the base didn't warp in the slightest, but if it had, I would have put it under a heavy book for a day or two to unwarp it.