I chose subdued colors for the remainder of the model, so the cloak would be the outstanding garment on the figure.
I used Bubonic Brown for the shirt, and Bestial Brown with a smidgen of Chestnut Ink for the shading.
For the trousers, I used Dark Flesh for the base, and shaded up using Bestial Brown and Bubonic Brown.
The shoes were started with Scorched Brown, and then I added a very watered-down drop of Dark Flesh and Bubonic Brown to each tip to create a highlight. I used the same combination of colors for the strap around the neck, waist and armor sleeve.
I did something different for the armor. I used black ink to try to fill in the gaps in the chainmail but that did not seem to fill it in completely, so I went back and painted it with Chaos Black. Same problem here, as there were a number of gaps that I could not get paint into. I then used a thinned-down mixture of Future Floor Wax (1 part), distilled water (4 parts), and a drop of black ink over the last coat of Chaos Black, and that finally got into the crooks and crannies as the Future broke up the surface tension on the paint.
I used Fortress Grey to lightly drybrush the chainmail, and then used Fortress Grey and Elf Grey on the sections of the armor that would be exposed to the sun (or victory pyres, or whatever) from the top left.
The only metallic color I used was on the medallions on the necklace. That was Boltgun Metal over Chaos Black.
You can see from the figure how the Future Floor Wax mixture seeped into the crevasses on the armor. Note the shiny areas, and that's where the Future went. (It might not be visible on the photo on TMP, but you can see a difference between the grey and black in terms of light reflection.)

Once again, I covered the parts I had painted with the GTM and took a break.
The final steps in the painting would be the hand and the axe. I used the same colors for the hands as I did for the face and fortunately, painting them was uneventful. I used Bestial Brown on the axe haft, and used a slight dusting of a watered-down Bestial Brown/Bubonic Brown mix for the highlight on the top of the axe.

I had always heard of the Non-Metallic Metal style of painting, and so I thought I’d give something similar a shot. I used greys on the axehead, as opposed to the metallics I had originally planned on using.
(In the first iteration of the layout, I had wanted to use the long spear that came bundled with the figure in place of the axe. The angle of the hand would have meant that the figure would have been holding the spear below the center of gravity and would have appeared awkward. I thought about cutting the spear down, but after a quick look at the spear sitting behind the axe, I decided that that was too much of a "Zulu-ish" look and so went with the unadorned axe.)
I layered up from Fortress Grey at the bottom right of the axehead, to the top left with a mix of Fortress Grey to primarily Elf Grey where the light would strike the axehead. One I got a look I felt was accurate, I set it aside, then applied the GTM and let it dry again.