Just a few little details, then he's finished. I decided against photographing them, as they're either too small or subtle to be worth it.
First off, the badge on his helmet needed doing so...
- Badge Step 1
- Basecoat of (GW) Shining Gold.
- Badge Step 2
- 1st highlight of (GW) Burnished Gold.
- Badge Step 3
- Final highlight of (VGC) Silver.
Also, looking at the base, I thought I really needed a little bit of weathering to make it pop.
- Weathering Step 1
- I applied a few washes of (VMC) Smoke in the recesses.
- Weathering Step 2
- I stippled on patches of (GW) Dark Flesh.
- Weathering Step 3
- Next, I stippled on some (VGC) Hot Orange over the previous layer, leaving some showing through.
- Weathering Step 4
- Finally, I stippled on a tiny bit of (VGC) Orange Fire in the more pronounced areas.
From the beginning, I decided I wanted some kind of design on his cape, but really couldn't make up my mind what I wanted to use. Eventually, I decided I was going to use a NHL logo - and the idea of a mad Canadiens fan running through the woods appealed to my strange sense of humour. So, after a bit of a scout around on the net, here's what I ended up with:
(Since the red was already done, I just needed to add the details.)
Cape Design Step 1
- Blue
- Basecoat of Regal Blue.
- White
- Basecoat of (VGC) Wolf Grey.
Cape Design Step 2
- Blue
- 1st highlight of 2-parts Regal Blue + 1-part Magic Blue.
- White
- 1st highlight of (VGC) Ghost Grey.
Cape Design Step 3
- Blue
- 2nd highlight a 50/50 mix of Regal Blue + Magic Blue.
- White
- Final highlight of Skull White.
Cape Design Step 4
- Blue
- Final highlight of Magic Blue.
Light at the End of the Tunnel...

So that concludes my step-by-step tutorial of how I painted Maddog from Hasslefree Miniatures. I hope at best it will inspire you in your own painting... and at worst, it didn't bore you too much (well, you didn't have to keep on reading!).

Now what are you waiting for?