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More Pirates: Light Pirate Lady

Female Pirate w/ Long Coat
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$3.75 USD


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28 November 2007page first published

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
Comments or corrections?

Adam8472 Fezian of Pro-Painted Miniatures writes:

This chick gets a black undercoat, plus some watery Chaos Black before painting.

Her coat is basecoated Calthan Brown, then highlighted by adding Vomit Brown. Vomit Brown and Bleached Bone were then used for lighter highlights.

The trousers and top are Fenris Grey, highlighted with Astronomican Grey.

The hat is Bestial Brown, highlighted with Deneb Stone.

Her skin is Scorched Brown. Bestial Brown is the first highlight, with Tallarn Flesh added for a couple of successive highlights.

Her lovely blonde hair is Tausept Ochre, with Bleached Bone used for the highlights.

Light Pirate Lady

Hmmmm, not very 'light'...

It seems I followed my normal painting method, and painted her in what I perceived to be lighter colours. Ho Hum.