The last areas to paint are the sceptre (which uses the same technique for gold as the rest of the model) and the scabbard and pouches (which are Scorched Brown highlighted by mixing in Bleached Bone).
The teeth are Snakebite Leather, then a 50/50 mix of Snakebite Leather and Bleached Bone towards the tips. A final Neat Bone highlight finishes them off. The tongue is Red Gore mixed with Dwarf Flesh.
Before basing the model, it gets a liberal coat of Games Workshop's Ardcoat spray. Then a spray of Testor's Dullcoat - great stuff for taking the shine off the varnish. The base is sand, inked black then drybrushed Scorched Brown then Bestial Brown. Patches of static grass are glued on.
There we go!
I hope you like the finished model. If you have any comments or would like to see more of my work, check out where you can find a contact email. To get a similar-sized figure painted by me would cost around £25.00 GBP, or lots of backrubs......