For the second black highlight, I used Vallejo Black, Games Workshop Shadow Gray, Dwarf Skin, and White in a 1:2:1:1 ratio. These highlights were much thinner, and concentrated on upper edges. I also went back to the mural to shade in all the panel lines there with a watered-down mix of Vallejo Black-Red and Cobra Leather. I highlighted the panels and edges there with a very watered-down white.

I highlighted the red areas, first with Blood Red and then Blazing Orange. I gave the cockpit a gradient from Black, Black Red, Red Gore, Blood Red, and finally Fiery Orange, and added a couple of white dots.

To show that this 'mech belongs to Wolf's Dragoons, and specifically to Zeta Battalion, I painted the letter "Z" onto the right thigh and left forearm, and a Wolf's Dragoons logo on the left thigh. To create a simple 3D Times-Roman style "Z," I roughly painted a "Z" using Reaper Armor Gray, and painted over it in Vallejo Fortress Gray, where the upper bevels would catch the light. For the Dragoons logo, I placed a Fighting Pirannha Graphics decal as a guide. I blended the red areas from Black-Red through Blood Red up to Blazing Orange highlights, and the black areas I highlighted with Reaper Armor Gray.

I weathered the autocannons (one in each arm, one on each side of the chest) by carefully drybrushing Gunmetal, then washing with Vallejo Smoke and watered-down black. Afterwards, I re-blacked out the barrels with a technical pen. The lasers (one on each arm, two in the center of the chest) were too precarious to do proper jewelling, so I simply layered Games Workshop Scorpion Green over Snot Green. I dotted the upper-left corners with black, and dotted again with white.

I painted the entire base a watered-down Beasty Brown, and stripped the feet while I was at it. I overbrushed the base with Games Workshop Bubonic Brown, followed by a light drybrush of Bone and a little stippling of white. I painted the rim of the base GW Graveyard Earth, and flocked it here and there with static grass. To top it off, I double-sealed the miniature.