28prt-8 Color Scheme:
Flamboyant redhead wearing purples and greens

Basecoat is RMS Rosy Skin Shadow 09067
Highlight 1 is RMS Rosy Shadow + RMS Rosy Skin 09068
Highlight 2 is RMS Rosy Skin + RMS Rosy Highlight 09069
Highlight 3 is RMS Rosy Highlight
Highlight 4 is RMS Rosy Highlight + RMS Pure White
Basecoat is RPP Liche Purple 08017
Highlight 1 is RPP Liche Purple + RMS Pure White
Highlight 2 is RPP Liche Purple + 2 parts RMS Pure White
Highlight 3 is RPP Liche Purple + 3 parts RMS Pure White
Highlight 4 is RMS Pure White
Pants and Wristband:
Basecoat is VGC Royal Purple
Highlight 1 is 3 parts VGC Royal Purple + 1 part VGC Skull White
Highlight 2 is 3 parts VGC Royal Purple + 2 parts VGC Skull White
Highlight 3 is even mix of VGC Royal Purple + VGC Skull White
Highlight 4 is 1 part VGC Royal Purple + 2 parts VGC Skull White
Highlight 5 is tiny bit of VGC Skull White
Cap and Midsection:
Basecoat is RMS Marine Teal 09077 + tiny bit of RPP Walnut
Highlight 1 is RMS Marine Teal
Highlight 2 is RMS Marine Teal + RMS Pure White
Highlight 3 is RMS Marine Teal + 2 parts Pure White
Highlight 4 is RMS Marine Teal + 3 parts Pure White
Highlight 5 is tiny highlights of Pure White
Boots and Belt:
Use the same recipe as the belt and cap for 28prt-4
Basecoat is RPP Chestnut Brown 08026
Highlight 1 is RPP Chestnut Brown + RPP Firehawk 08002
Highlight 2 is RPP Firehawk
Highlight 3 is VGC Hot Orange
Highlight 4 is VGC Hot Orange + RPP Sunlight Yellow 08007
Highlight 5 is RPP Sunlight Yellow
Highlight 6 is RPP Sunlight Yellow + RMS Pure White
Highlight 7 is Pure White
I gave it two washes of VGC Hot Orange once all the layers were dry. Once the wash was dry, I touched it up using Sunlight Yellow and Pure White.

Basecoat is RMS Mahogany Brown 09070
Highlight 1 is RMS Mahogany Brown + RMS Linen White 09061
Highlight 2 is RMS Mahogany Brown + 2 parts RMS Linen White
Highlight 3 is RMS Mahogany Brown + 3 parts RMS Linen White
The silver is VGC Silver
I used the same basing techniques outlined for 28prt-4; instead of sculpting a sand dollar, I sculpted a little beach rock on the sand.